Alhamdulillah,today Imma super fineeee~!
Okay2~ as you can see by the title, I have some plans for my upcoming FF^^
well..even I still didn't have a ending for my debut FF =__="
umm.. you mind is..complicated~hahaha
I have bunch of ideas!!! but I sometimes failed in arranging the plots..heeee
but, even the upcoming plots always change, it always better than the previous one^^
So, about the upcoming FF~ I think I've decided about the tittle and plots~ ._.
remember my debut FF's first title? yep, "Our Endless Love" the one that I changed to "Time Will Tell My Love".
Well,I decided to make sequel for "Time Will Tell My Love" and the title would be "Our Endless Love"..heeeeeeee~^3^
Well,at first I thought I would make many chapters for "Time Will Tell My Love" ~
but,.. I don't think I should since it's my debut FF^^ so, just make it natural and simple but interesting as possible...
SO,who will be the 'cock-blocker'? haha XDD well.... maybe there's no..but let's make a big misunderstand!!! which involved Woohyun for MyungYeol~
It's hurt right? why we have to hurting each other like this? why it has to be this complicated? You're a coward! just tell me at's too late now..
Monday, January 30, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Melancholy Past? =__="
Alhamdulillah, today Imma fine :3
ummm~ =___+" as days passes by, I getting understand and started the comparison of today with the older days that I've through~ There's definitely a big difference, whether it's have something to do with my feelings or the way I think.
Alhamdulillah, today Imma fine :3
ummm~ =___+" as days passes by, I getting understand and started the comparison of today with the older days that I've through~ There's definitely a big difference, whether it's have something to do with my feelings or the way I think.
My past days were packed with love feeling towards my crush. =__=" It's complicated to describe.Those days also leave me overwhelmed with my own emotions but the emptiness would eat me up alive at the same time. I've learnt not to trust people easily.
I know how it's feel when you're trying to avoid people, just because you scared you would trust that person too much and finally he or she leave you with a deep hurt inside.
Now it's hard for me to fall for someone~ I just don't know why..== maybe because of what happened before makes me flinch of this feeling~
I always want to have an enigmatic and nonchalant side.. haha XD I know I don't suit me.. but I think it's cool! ^O^
But, if I really become like that, people will criticize me of being arrogant or unfriendly..
well................ . . . I adore a cold side like Myungsoo's but I prefer a Choding?haha
Choding like Sungyeollie!^^ He's cute! so adorable~~~~
The difference today and now is I'm getting .. didn't care about insignificant things around me. Maybe I did that before, but it different for these days~ =__="
I admit that I don't feel enthusiasm when at school~ and it sometime makes me feel empty, because I don't have anything to care except studies.
Friends? maybe I can't or I'm not in the list as a good friend. Yeah,maybe I don't care or don't mind much about them.. Maybe they find me as a lovable and cheerful person. But, like I said, it's hard for me to trust people. I don't think I have a true friend too~
But it's good enough to have some friends around me and I does appreciate their existence^^.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
"What's the fucking point if nobody can save me?!" he finally loses it. I pull him towards my chest as he wraps himself around me, then I whisper into his ears, "I can save you. I promise, no matter what it takes. You know, I used to think like you.
I thought that I was hopeless... until I met you. And I don't want you to be sad again because it breaks me apart when you are, so I swear I'll make you happy again, and that things will get better. So please, until then, don't think of dying."
-Myungsoo- (Forever and Always)
I thought that I was hopeless... until I met you. And I don't want you to be sad again because it breaks me apart when you are, so I swear I'll make you happy again, and that things will get better. So please, until then, don't think of dying."
-Myungsoo- (Forever and Always)
"Forever and Always"
"If I really loved Myungsoo, has it changed me?"-Sungyeol-
"My heart is beginning to ache as I convince myself that I shouldn't mix with him and I just started to avoid him. This is one of the first times anybody in school actually meant this much to me, and I can't get rid of the sore feeling in my chest. It's as though I have a gaping wound on my heart and it hurts to bits."-Myungsoo-
"But I also relish the fact that the pain makes me feel so alive... no, Sungyeol makes me feel alive."
"I'm afraid he can't accept me.
What if he decides to throw me away after figuring out that I can never be saved? What if he gives me false hopes just to end up leaving me, like everybody else? I think that'll hurt worse than anything else in the world. Besides, nothing lasts forever and if I need Sungyeol, I need him forever, not just for awhile."
"There are so many things I want to say to him, but I don't know how. I just can't put my feelings to words, because I've never did before, in the past sixteen years of my life. So I start by apologizing, "Sorry for avoiding you these days."
" I seriously love how when I talk to him, I feel like I'm rising from the dead."
"I still remember - Random fact of Kim Myungsoo, Number 16: He wears long-sleeved shirts or jackets wherever he goes, whether it's rain or shine.
Never in hell did I expect that the reason for doing so is to cover his cuts."
"Lee Sungyeol, I like you."
"It honestly doesn't matter if I like him or not, I just want him to be okay," I say seriously.
The sun is beating down on me, its light so extravagantly beautiful, just like Yeollie: a person who gives me hope.
"Yah! Kim Myungsoo! Don't think you can win my heart just by acting cool," I pout. He murmurs quietly, "I think I've won your heart already."
I feel damn happy that he laughs more now that he's around me, and that his emotions are becoming more and more genuine, whether he's realised it or not.
I nod my head gingerly, "You know, Myungsoo, when you told me you liked me earlier today, I still haven't replied you..."
He gulps, "Yeah? What about it?"
I grin at him, "...I like you too."
I increase my walking speed, waving my arms wildly at him in hope that he sees me, "Sungyeol! Sungyeol!"
He doesn't hear me. He just keeps on walking, but strangely he seems directionless. Like he's not in control of himself.
A car zooms by, threatening to hit Sungyeol in mere seconds. Then, it seems as though time freezes.
waahhH!!! I love this FF!!^O^ okay, here the link!^^ Forever And Always
믿음 (Trust)
Everybody is tempted to trust and when you offer a portion of your soul and let it care for the people around you, even you're back-stabbed you'll still go back to being tempted.
Is this why my instincts tell me to stay away from everybody, because no matter who, there's still a chance of them hurting me? Why am I so afraid of being hurt? I deserve a disappointment yet I don't dare to embrace it, because it only gives me more reason to disappear , and if I can acknowledge that a tiny part of me still hopes of being saved. Then who am I to believe that there's such a thing known as Reason anyway?
"Mistake" (AFF) by Seonqyeols
Is this why my instincts tell me to stay away from everybody, because no matter who, there's still a chance of them hurting me? Why am I so afraid of being hurt? I deserve a disappointment yet I don't dare to embrace it, because it only gives me more reason to disappear , and if I can acknowledge that a tiny part of me still hopes of being saved. Then who am I to believe that there's such a thing known as Reason anyway?
"Mistake" (AFF) by Seonqyeols
7.목소리 (Voice)
You're reading this right now and it's impossible for you to do so without that little voice in you head. It might seem as if it's nothing, but sometimes it stays there, like a quiet reminder, something which nobody has really ever taken notice of,
because sometimes we're all afraid of acknowledging the things that are too painful to be deemed as 'true'. Sometimes, it acts as our conscience, but at other times, it acts as something which finally can pull us away from what's keeping us alive, and it teaches us that sadness is mandatory in this society.
"Mistake" chap.7 (AFF) -Seonqyeols-
because sometimes we're all afraid of acknowledging the things that are too painful to be deemed as 'true'. Sometimes, it acts as our conscience, but at other times, it acts as something which finally can pull us away from what's keeping us alive, and it teaches us that sadness is mandatory in this society.
"Mistake" chap.7 (AFF) -Seonqyeols-
Woah!! daebak!!! I love this! I love my sunbae's writings!!!>.<
I hope I can write good like her!!!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
As This Gonna Happen...(Time Will Tell My Love)
I run as fast as I can,as if this pain in my heart would go away..It's hurt, terribly hurt. I should have figure out this at first,right? I'm such a babo!! Why this have to happen again? What did I do wrong that I deserve this?! I couldn't help but cried my heart out, as if all the hurt and pain that I swallowed gonna get out from my broken heart.
I hoped too much. Soo-ah.. I really hurt right now. I hope you would never be hurt like me. This won't happened if you're here, with me, Soo. Maybe this is a punishment for me, for loving other than you. I'm afraid.. even though I couldn't remember a single thing about you, I have a feeling that my feelings for you are more than a friend.
"I want to see you, Soo!~ badly!! I need you by my side. I'm failed. This world makes me hurt too much, different with our world. It's full of happiness,right?? I..I don't deserve to live... I can't stand all these hurt. I couldn't keep swallow it anymore." I muttered while sobbing, as Soo was here, as he was listening. Thinking about the fact that he's not here, or even worst, he might doesn't even exist, he might just my imaginary friend.
It's hurt even more... why.. I can't be like Kim Myungsoo? he's cool.. and he ignores every people that trying to mess up with him. His nonchalant attitude makes me wanting to be like him more. "Soo, I hope you're real that you aren't my imagination. I..need you,badly. I miss you.." I muttered again, sobbing.
Sungyeol doesn't know, there's someone watching him from the start. A figure walk towards him and without noticing, he hugged him. Sungyeol startled. His wet eyes widen to see Myungsoo and drowning in his embrace. Myungsoo didn't say anything, but it's not awkward, not at all. The louder he sobbed, the tighter Myungsoo's grip.
Suddenly there's a voice that breaks the silence, "Soo is not an imagination, he's real. He always wanted to protect and be with you,even from a distance. Whenever you're hurt, he hurt even more, as he has to bear the fact that he couldn't comfort you.
He felt bad, terribly bad. He's hurt, really hurt inside. He really want to be with you, even just a second. He really miss those moments when with you. It's okay if you forgot about it, because he knew what had happened to you. Just believe,Soo always be with you."
Without realizing, those crystal-like tears fall from Myungsoo's eyes while telling that to Sungyeol. Sungyeol couldn't help but cried out loud. It's hurt but it sweet at the same time.
jiwang x?? TT3TT walaupun sy yg buat ni, rasa cam nk nangis je~ tmbh2 lagi typing sambil dengar lagu "Voice Of My Heart" ngn "Fixed Stars" by Infinite~
So... What exactly happened to Sungyeol?Why he cried that much?? will he react to those words that Myungsoo said to him??? Stay Tuned~XDD hehe
--->Unplanned Chapter<--- I will do my best!!^O^
BTW, I think this song suits this chap? Kyuhyun's "Hope Is A Dream That Doesn't Sleep"
"I want to see you, Soo!~ badly!! I need you by my side. I'm failed. This world makes me hurt too much, different with our world. It's full of happiness,right?? I..I don't deserve to live... I can't stand all these hurt. I couldn't keep swallow it anymore." I muttered while sobbing, as Soo was here, as he was listening. Thinking about the fact that he's not here, or even worst, he might doesn't even exist, he might just my imaginary friend.
It's hurt even more... why.. I can't be like Kim Myungsoo? he's cool.. and he ignores every people that trying to mess up with him. His nonchalant attitude makes me wanting to be like him more. "Soo, I hope you're real that you aren't my imagination. I..need you,badly. I miss you.." I muttered again, sobbing.
Sungyeol doesn't know, there's someone watching him from the start. A figure walk towards him and without noticing, he hugged him. Sungyeol startled. His wet eyes widen to see Myungsoo and drowning in his embrace. Myungsoo didn't say anything, but it's not awkward, not at all. The louder he sobbed, the tighter Myungsoo's grip.
Suddenly there's a voice that breaks the silence, "Soo is not an imagination, he's real. He always wanted to protect and be with you,even from a distance. Whenever you're hurt, he hurt even more, as he has to bear the fact that he couldn't comfort you.
He felt bad, terribly bad. He's hurt, really hurt inside. He really want to be with you, even just a second. He really miss those moments when with you. It's okay if you forgot about it, because he knew what had happened to you. Just believe,Soo always be with you."
Without realizing, those crystal-like tears fall from Myungsoo's eyes while telling that to Sungyeol. Sungyeol couldn't help but cried out loud. It's hurt but it sweet at the same time.
jiwang x?? TT3TT walaupun sy yg buat ni, rasa cam nk nangis je~ tmbh2 lagi typing sambil dengar lagu "Voice Of My Heart" ngn "Fixed Stars" by Infinite~
So... What exactly happened to Sungyeol?Why he cried that much?? will he react to those words that Myungsoo said to him??? Stay Tuned~XDD hehe
--->Unplanned Chapter<--- I will do my best!!^O^
BTW, I think this song suits this chap? Kyuhyun's "Hope Is A Dream That Doesn't Sleep"
Monday, January 23, 2012
Time Will Tell My Love
Ok..what's with the title?? O.o well.. maybe I should change my FF title to that?
since ... argh~ never mind =__="
'Our Endless Love" doesn't really suits with the story, I guess~ so,.. "Time Will Tell My Love" sounds ok~!^^ CHANGED!
since ... argh~ never mind =__="
'Our Endless Love" doesn't really suits with the story, I guess~ so,.. "Time Will Tell My Love" sounds ok~!^^ CHANGED!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Special Post
Alhamdulillah,today I'm fine~ X3
I want to make a post .. a special one^^ --> dedicate to someone..special? O.o
Dear F,
I don't know whether you're reading this or not.. I forgot to give you my new blog link~=.= (sorry). It's been years now.. Maybe we have already forgot everything that had happened years ago, or maybe not. You said, we're young and naive back then, which also the reason where we're now.
Without realizing, we chose different paths. You met new people and so do I. Everything has changed, we are too. Even though I don't know what you're thinking, I am pretty sure that you have always tried to be happy, try to be more positive. That's random, I do the same too. Even though we're young, we're naive back then, it's still hurt,right? I'm sorry, the causes was me. I have being too childish~ =3=
It's awkward now. Even though we tried to fix it, it still feels awkward,you know?haha XDD But it's good to see that you're happy now, so happy^^. You once said that you were not that happy, it's hard to trust people around you or you often heart ached.. that you just put on a mask to hid it.. Believe me, it's different now. It's cool, that we thought the same and felt the same.
Even now, I still didn't found someone like you. Yeah, of course~! everyone is different^^. But, what's incredible about you is, you make me trusted you easily, you also turned me into a clingy one~ =____="
Thanks for everything^^ I hope we can be like before. I would never forget someone like you, my best true friend :)
Alhamdulillah,today I'm fine~ X3
I want to make a post .. a special one^^ --> dedicate to someone..special? O.o
Dear F,
I don't know whether you're reading this or not.. I forgot to give you my new blog link~=.= (sorry). It's been years now.. Maybe we have already forgot everything that had happened years ago, or maybe not. You said, we're young and naive back then, which also the reason where we're now.
Without realizing, we chose different paths. You met new people and so do I. Everything has changed, we are too. Even though I don't know what you're thinking, I am pretty sure that you have always tried to be happy, try to be more positive. That's random, I do the same too. Even though we're young, we're naive back then, it's still hurt,right? I'm sorry, the causes was me. I have being too childish~ =3=
It's awkward now. Even though we tried to fix it, it still feels awkward,you know?haha XDD But it's good to see that you're happy now, so happy^^. You once said that you were not that happy, it's hard to trust people around you or you often heart ached.. that you just put on a mask to hid it.. Believe me, it's different now. It's cool, that we thought the same and felt the same.
Even now, I still didn't found someone like you. Yeah, of course~! everyone is different^^. But, what's incredible about you is, you make me trusted you easily, you also turned me into a clingy one~ =____="
Thanks for everything^^ I hope we can be like before. I would never forget someone like you, my best true friend :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
So~the MV is out now!YAY!^O^
Guess what~ people thought the MV is kinda.. lesbian?=.=
well,maybe it's because they not understand the lyrics~XDD
haish~XDD I thought that at first~but.. since "She's A Flirt"~ it's kinda..impossible?
well, I take a comment from Youtube, it might would help us to understand^^
The Eng sub and Romanization MV:
Guess what~ people thought the MV is kinda.. lesbian?=.=
well,maybe it's because they not understand the lyrics~XDD
haish~XDD I thought that at first~but.. since "She's A Flirt"~ it's kinda..impossible?
well, I take a comment from Youtube, it might would help us to understand^^
The official MV:
The Eng sub and Romanization MV:
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Listen To My Heart
WOAH!!! Daebak!!daebak!! >.<!!! kyaaaaaa~!
My Inspirit friend make this fic :3
this is the first chapter :) I'm not sure,but I think this is Myungsoo's POV ^^
I really need to practice a lot so that I can write good like her^^
Full Credits to: Infnt7Inspirit
And.. I hope the readers won't think me in weird way..=.=
I just ship them,ok? I guess that's normal for a fangirl :L
. . . .
There's many Inspirits ship their fav OTP~
and... there's even boy ship MyungYeol~ O.O
umm... but he's not into bromance I think..~
Sungyeollie~ X3
Sungyeollie~!! XDD
He's forever a choding!
He scared of ghosts~ that's why he's screaming.. dolphin~XDD
He's cute isn't he?
Okay~Yeollie.. I'll kill Myungie if he make you upset X3
I can't say I'm one of the Yeolliepops~ because it gonna mean I cheated on my Hobaby~XDDD hahahhahaha X3 I can't say Imma Hoyatic too~ or eLement~
Okay~ OT7!!^O^
He's forever a choding!
He scared of ghosts~ that's why he's screaming.. dolphin~XDD
He's cute isn't he?
Okay~Yeollie.. I'll kill Myungie if he make you upset X3
I can't say I'm one of the Yeolliepops~ because it gonna mean I cheated on my Hobaby~XDDD hahahhahaha X3 I can't say Imma Hoyatic too~ or eLement~
Okay~ OT7!!^O^
Monday, January 16, 2012
BabySoul X YooJia + Dongwoo!^O^
Finally the teaser's out!!!^O^
Daebak!~ XD
Thanks Woollim Boss :3
I can't wait for the full MV^^
Soojung and Jiah unnie so pretty^^
Daebak!~ XD
Thanks Woollim Boss :3
I can't wait for the full MV^^
Soojung and Jiah unnie so pretty^^
Friday, January 13, 2012
Like A Guardian Angel

I'd like to share a fic that makes me cry~wuuuu!!! TT.TT it's a fic of MyungYeol~
so heartbreak.. but at the end,it's a nice and warm ending..^^
cr to: the author^^, Infnt7Inspirit
here the link :Like A Guardian Angle
Finally I got a time to be alone. Let me be alone,.. and lonely.. for this one time. Let the loneliness and sadness fill the atmosphere and.. my heart. I.. just couldn't understand. It's hurt, deeply. I shouldn't have asked him that.. I should have knew this. I hope too much, didn't I?
"Sunggyu-sshi.. I have a question to ask you." Woohyun said while arrange the books at the other side. "what?" Sunggyu answered, nonchalantly. "You don't like-..I mean, you hate me didn't you?" Woohyun asked making Sunggyu a startled, but he covered it very well, so that Woohyun didn't realize it. Sunggyu's heart hurt when he heard that.
"No need to know that. It doesn't matter whether I hate you or not. Think about yourself, that's better." Sunggyu said then he continue again.. "I'm finish now, I'm going back to the class. Tell the teacher I put the key on his desk." he then leave,also leaving Woohyun dumbfounded. Woohyun gulped hardly. He felt deadly hurt inside.
End Of Flashback.
From that first moment I saw him, my heart's fluttered. There's a bit pain inside but I still could feel the sweetness. He.. love me didn't he? I muttered those words, without realizing, tears flowing down my cheek. I tried to erasing my thoughts of him hating me..but,what if it's the truth? It's better to hurt now than later,right?
Just another preview or unplanned chapter of my fanfic~ it's been a long time since I updating it. MIAN!.. There's always something that bothered me whenever I tried to updating this fic~>.< well.. this is WooHyun's POV~
I'm not sure ..but..maybe the plot gonna change again~I mean, to a better one~hehe^^
"Sunggyu-sshi.. I have a question to ask you." Woohyun said while arrange the books at the other side. "what?" Sunggyu answered, nonchalantly. "You don't like-..I mean, you hate me didn't you?" Woohyun asked making Sunggyu a startled, but he covered it very well, so that Woohyun didn't realize it. Sunggyu's heart hurt when he heard that.
"No need to know that. It doesn't matter whether I hate you or not. Think about yourself, that's better." Sunggyu said then he continue again.. "I'm finish now, I'm going back to the class. Tell the teacher I put the key on his desk." he then leave,also leaving Woohyun dumbfounded. Woohyun gulped hardly. He felt deadly hurt inside.
End Of Flashback.
From that first moment I saw him, my heart's fluttered. There's a bit pain inside but I still could feel the sweetness. He.. love me didn't he? I muttered those words, without realizing, tears flowing down my cheek. I tried to erasing my thoughts of him hating me..but,what if it's the truth? It's better to hurt now than later,right?
Just another preview or unplanned chapter of my fanfic~ it's been a long time since I updating it. MIAN!.. There's always something that bothered me whenever I tried to updating this fic~>.< well.. this is WooHyun's POV~
I'm not sure ..but..maybe the plot gonna change again~I mean, to a better one~hehe^^
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Biography of Me
So...umm~ let me make a post about myself here~hehe^^
---> My Korean name is Shin Min Sung (real one) I got it by using name generator~keke^^
--->My real name is Alisa~(First time reveal it) keke^^
--->I see this world for the first time was at 2 Nov 1997, 5:01am~ -->hahaha XD
--->Basically, I don't have any dongsaeng~ Y.Y I have 2 oppa and an unnie~
--->Imma cat lover^^
--->Even though I am MyungYeol shipper, I don't support bromance or sismance! Just MyungYeol, WooGyu, YaDong looks very cute and lovable together~ ♥ ♥ :3
--->It's been a long time since I fell in love with someone and I don't have any interest for it now =.=~ XDD
--->I don't like people who disrespect me
--->I'm basically good in literature and language
--->I'm not really good in maths
--->Music and Writing are my passion
--->I'm friendly but not very socialize
--->It's hard for me to trust people
---> I have Facebook acc (Shin Min Sung),FB RP acc (Yoo Ji Ae), Blog, Tumblr(i14-inspiritfinite),Twitter(@MinSungShin14),Formspring(MinSung14)
--->I really hope there's someone who understand me~
--->I love songs that meaningful to me~
--->That's why I will always look for my new fav songs' lyrics translation~(since most of it are Korean)
--->Recently, I'm really addicted to Tumblr!!^O^
--->Fully INSPIRIT
--->Other than INFINITE, I also listen to Epik High,FT Island,T-Ara,Davichi,A Pink,Baby Soul.
--->Songs that I listen to: (Those that only have titles are INFINITE songs)
P/S: If you be nice to me, I will always remember your kindness~
---> My Korean name is Shin Min Sung (real one) I got it by using name generator~keke^^
--->My real name is Alisa~(First time reveal it) keke^^
--->I see this world for the first time was at 2 Nov 1997, 5:01am~ -->hahaha XD
--->Basically, I don't have any dongsaeng~ Y.Y I have 2 oppa and an unnie~
--->Imma cat lover^^
--->Even though I am MyungYeol shipper, I don't support bromance or sismance! Just MyungYeol, WooGyu, YaDong looks very cute and lovable together~ ♥ ♥ :3
--->It's been a long time since I fell in love with someone and I don't have any interest for it now =.=~ XDD
--->I don't like people who disrespect me
--->I'm basically good in literature and language
--->I'm not really good in maths
--->Music and Writing are my passion
--->I'm friendly but not very socialize
--->It's hard for me to trust people
---> I have Facebook acc (Shin Min Sung),FB RP acc (Yoo Ji Ae), Blog, Tumblr(i14-inspiritfinite),Twitter(@MinSungShin14),Formspring(MinSung14)
--->I really hope there's someone who understand me~
--->I love songs that meaningful to me~
--->That's why I will always look for my new fav songs' lyrics translation~(since most of it are Korean)
--->Recently, I'm really addicted to Tumblr!!^O^
--->Fully INSPIRIT
--->Other than INFINITE, I also listen to Epik High,FT Island,T-Ara,Davichi,A Pink,Baby Soul.
--->Songs that I listen to: (Those that only have titles are INFINITE songs)
- Can U Smile
- 미안해야 하는 거니(Mianhaeya Haneun Geoni)-As One( Sassy Girl Chun Hyang OST)
- Cry Cry-T-ara
- Message-MYNAME
- Wings
- Tic Toc
- Paradise
- Nothing's Over
- Come Back Again
- Shot
- Be Mine--> especially the remix ver.
- Amazing
- White Confession (Lately)
- Time
- Crying
- Voice Of My Heart
- Real Story
- Thunder-Ft.Island
- Because I don't know How To Love- Ft.Island
- One-Epik High
- Run-Epik High
- Love Oh Love-Davichi
- Sad Promise-Davichi
- Freeze-Block.B
- No Better Than Strangers-Baby Soul
- My My-A Pink
- I Don't Know-A Pink
- Tears Are Falling-Shin Jae (49 Days OST)
- Baby Soul & Yoo JiA ft Dongwoo- She's A Flirt
- Trax ft Air- Fate
P/S: If you be nice to me, I will always remember your kindness~
Before Flashback~(Myungsoo)
Damn it!! Who are you??!! This question keeps running inside my head. Why I can't remember anything? From that first moment, it's just overwhelming... His gaze, it's almost makes my frozen heart begin to melt. It feels like he sees through my heart,memories and pain that I have to swallow.
My heart feel a warmth, a warmth that I've never feel and without realizing, I need it. But, I'm afraid. People are cruel. They makes me hurt, they torture my heart, they assault me. How can I ever trust them? How can I ever trust him?
Even though I need a protection, I have this desire towards him. A desire to protect him, to make him happy. Is this wrong?? I'm glad that I'm not in any menace now. Maybe my dark side have make people avoid me. Yeah, I blithe they did that. At least, they won't hurt me this way, right?
But, loneliness keeps ringing around me. I feel that I need someone who will listen to my heart, voice of my heart. It's struggling, calling for someone. Until that time when I saw him. His gaze already makes my heart overwhelmed. From that moment, I realize that my life could be happier, with someone like him by my side.
But no!! he might would hurt me. My heart denied that. Maybe..just maybe..I will only protect him from a distance. There's a fact that I want to denied, that he might hurt me more if I close with him. Right, I will just do that.. You, I don't know why but, I will always protect and always make sure you always secure even by a distance. That's my promise to you, Lee Sungyeol.
There's moments when I feel like already knowing you for such a long time. Is it just me?
It's pitch dark,.. I only could cry my heart out and keep running. I don't understand this... But it feels so sad, it's hurt my heart.. deeply..
(To Be Continued...)
Hi guys~!!^^ Just Myungsoo's POV in my fanfic~ like before, I didn't plan this part.. It comes into my head naturally.. That's why my plots always change~haha^^
I will make this story to a sad one~keke.. I want to play with the readers' feelings~ hahahaah^^~ But, I also want to make it cute,funny and happy~! that's why I said I want to play with the readers' feelings~ XDD
I once read a fanfic of Myungyeol.. a sad one.. I almost cried that time!!! TT.TT
So sad~! Well... me.. I think I'm good in writing sad things~hahahaha^^ well, it's just who I am. Sometimes, sadness can make us happy.. ^^ Well, I dunno why I said that, but it just feel like that to me..
I'm happy now because of the sadness from the past haunt me. I took in in different thoughts.. I played with the sadness, I got a better sad writings and be happY~ LOL~
Weird?? well, that's me...
Don't you expect I never feel sad, because I felt how heart-break is.. how loneliness can affect your life and.. etc~
My heart feel a warmth, a warmth that I've never feel and without realizing, I need it. But, I'm afraid. People are cruel. They makes me hurt, they torture my heart, they assault me. How can I ever trust them? How can I ever trust him?
Even though I need a protection, I have this desire towards him. A desire to protect him, to make him happy. Is this wrong?? I'm glad that I'm not in any menace now. Maybe my dark side have make people avoid me. Yeah, I blithe they did that. At least, they won't hurt me this way, right?
But, loneliness keeps ringing around me. I feel that I need someone who will listen to my heart, voice of my heart. It's struggling, calling for someone. Until that time when I saw him. His gaze already makes my heart overwhelmed. From that moment, I realize that my life could be happier, with someone like him by my side.
But no!! he might would hurt me. My heart denied that. Maybe..just maybe..I will only protect him from a distance. There's a fact that I want to denied, that he might hurt me more if I close with him. Right, I will just do that.. You, I don't know why but, I will always protect and always make sure you always secure even by a distance. That's my promise to you, Lee Sungyeol.
There's moments when I feel like already knowing you for such a long time. Is it just me?
It's pitch dark,.. I only could cry my heart out and keep running. I don't understand this... But it feels so sad, it's hurt my heart.. deeply..
(To Be Continued...)
Hi guys~!!^^ Just Myungsoo's POV in my fanfic~ like before, I didn't plan this part.. It comes into my head naturally.. That's why my plots always change~haha^^
I will make this story to a sad one~keke.. I want to play with the readers' feelings~ hahahaah^^~ But, I also want to make it cute,funny and happy~! that's why I said I want to play with the readers' feelings~ XDD
I once read a fanfic of Myungyeol.. a sad one.. I almost cried that time!!! TT.TT
So sad~! Well... me.. I think I'm good in writing sad things~hahahaha^^ well, it's just who I am. Sometimes, sadness can make us happy.. ^^ Well, I dunno why I said that, but it just feel like that to me..
I'm happy now because of the sadness from the past haunt me. I took in in different thoughts.. I played with the sadness, I got a better sad writings and be happY~ LOL~
Weird?? well, that's me...
Don't you expect I never feel sad, because I felt how heart-break is.. how loneliness can affect your life and.. etc~
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
[Translation] Winter 2011 Kool :: INFINITE 5,000 Word Cross Talk
If you would like to use my translations in any way, shape or form, please contact me first! If I catch my translations floating around without my permission (that aren’t direct reblogs) I will stop translating and posting and keep all the fun interviews all for myself.
This magazine is before Infinite’s official Japanese debut. There is a page of smaller questions about who wants to room with who that I am going to skip for now in liu of the newer magazines and possibly come back to later! Also, this interview/crosstalk is originally written as being “10,000 character”, meaning Japanese character, so I changed it to 5,000 word (which it is ;o;) in the title up there. Next is the February Popolo and Asian Place!
We’re here because of Infinite.
“Infinite is everything to me now.
It’s something I’ll have to protect for the rest of my life, something that I can’t lose no matter what.
We all need each other, and Infinite’s something that’s so important to all of us that the 7 of us being together is just like an undeniable fact.
To the point that it feels like we can’t be apart no matter what.”
— Sunggyu
The K-pop world has started showing some distinguishing candidates for who will be the ones to bear the next generation of the genre. Among them all, one of the groups in the lead is making their Japanese debut just a mere year and a couple months since their Korean debut. Their name, Infinite, is often remembered along with the impressive praise of their 99.9% synchronized dancing. Those skills are catching eyes even within the K-pop world. But despite that flowery first-glance praise, the members themselves are humble, natural and very easy to get close to, even warm and just like any other person you might meet. With their feet set firm in the ground and tightly holding solidly onto each others’ arms they push forward on their own path to their goals.
But then, as you watch their efforts or listen to their thoughts about Infinite, you will begin to notice. Notice the fact that that “99.9%” is not a number of miracle or chance. How will Infinite’s quick advance progress as they continue to strive for the meaning of their name? This is a 10000 character interview looking over the important “now” of these boys with infinite potential who undergo dazzling transformations daily.
—Since this is your first time in our magazine, how about we start with each of you introducing yourselves.
Sunggyu: I’m Infinite’s leader, Sunggyu. I’m the oldest at 22 years old, and I have amazing charisma (laughs). I’m the older brother figure that pulls along the whole group. I would really like all of you to see my charisma on stage, so please support us!
“Infinite is everything to me now.
It’s something I’ll have to protect for the rest of my life, something that I can’t lose no matter what.
We all need each other, and Infinite’s something that’s so important to all of us that the 7 of us being together is just like an undeniable fact.
To the point that it feels like we can’t be apart no matter what.”
— Sunggyu
The K-pop world has started showing some distinguishing candidates for who will be the ones to bear the next generation of the genre. Among them all, one of the groups in the lead is making their Japanese debut just a mere year and a couple months since their Korean debut. Their name, Infinite, is often remembered along with the impressive praise of their 99.9% synchronized dancing. Those skills are catching eyes even within the K-pop world. But despite that flowery first-glance praise, the members themselves are humble, natural and very easy to get close to, even warm and just like any other person you might meet. With their feet set firm in the ground and tightly holding solidly onto each others’ arms they push forward on their own path to their goals.
But then, as you watch their efforts or listen to their thoughts about Infinite, you will begin to notice. Notice the fact that that “99.9%” is not a number of miracle or chance. How will Infinite’s quick advance progress as they continue to strive for the meaning of their name? This is a 10000 character interview looking over the important “now” of these boys with infinite potential who undergo dazzling transformations daily.
—Since this is your first time in our magazine, how about we start with each of you introducing yourselves.
Sunggyu: I’m Infinite’s leader, Sunggyu. I’m the oldest at 22 years old, and I have amazing charisma (laughs). I’m the older brother figure that pulls along the whole group. I would really like all of you to see my charisma on stage, so please support us!
Dongwoo: Hello, I’m Dongwoo. I’m a rapper, and my biggest strength is that I smile a lot. Sometimes I can’t really read the atmosphere of a situation, but I smile the most out of all of the members and I think the fact that I have such a bright personality is my charm point.
Woohyun: I’m Infinite’s main vocal with lots of aegyo, Woohyun! My charm point is… (laughs) that I’m extremely friendly. I can be friendly even with people I’ve met for the first time. Also, I think one of my strengths is that I won’t give up on things easily.
L: I’m L, who’s over flowing with charisma. I have the most confidence in my eyes and my gaze. I can charm a person with one glance… Though it’s embarrassing to say all of this myself (laughs), I think my gaze is like that. I think I’m the most intense of all the members.
Hoya: I’m Infinite’s dance machine, Hoya. I’m good at powerful dancing, and my charm points are my laugh and my eyebrows!
Sungyeol: Hello. I’m Infinite’s tallest member and natural idiot who’s also doing my best at acting, Sungyeol.
Sungjong: I’m Infinite’s magnae, Sungjong. My personality is always bright, I smile a lot, and I have lots of aegyo.
—So all of you were selected to be in Infinite through fierce auditions, but why specifically do you think you were picked?
—So all of you were selected to be in Infinite through fierce auditions, but why specifically do you think you were picked?
Woohyun: I think the seven of us were picked because our personalities aren’t very distinct.
Sunggyu: Eh, because our personalities aren’t distinct?!
Woohyun: Ah, because they are distinct, I messed up what I was saying… (bitter laugh)
L: My role in the group is “Infinite’s presence”? So I think it’s because I have a strong presence.
Sungyeol: I was chosen last out of the all of us, but because I joined the group our average height went up. When a group’s average height is taller people’s impressions of that group tend to be better… So I think that’s the reason why I was picked (laughs). I even heard our CEO say that was part of the reason he picked me.
—Why don’t you tell us all your roles within the group?
—Why don’t you tell us all your roles within the group?
Woohyun: I’m the person who researches how to make the fans love us more so we can get more power from them!
Sunggyu: I’m the oldest, so I act sort of as the older brother.
L: So you’re basing it off of age (laughs).
Sunggyu: Well, that’s not all it is! I’m the person who takes responsibility and looks over the group!
Sungyeol: That’s exactly right!
Everyone: (agrees)
Sungjong: I think I properly fill my role as the magnae of the group. Just like Sungyeol hyung raises our average height, I lower our average age and am helping to make our group’s image better (laughs).
Dongwoo: I’m in charge of the group’s smiles. Also I’m also in charge of being the group’s source of lips and teeth.
Woohyun: Don’t say weird things like that! What sort of merit is it to the group if you’re in charge of teeth (laughs).
Dongwoo: Ah… So it’s not those sort of things? What do you mean by merit?
L: Rap! Rap!
Sungyeol: Being the second oldest!
Dongwoo: I get it! So things like that. I’m good at rapping, and since I’m second oldest I support the leader and pull the younger ones along.
Hoya: I’m in charge of dancing. Leave the dancing to me!
—What is Infinite to you?
—What is Infinite to you?
Sungyeol: It’s something that made me what I am and is very important to me. Because Infinite exists I’m here, and because I’m here Infinite exists…
Sungjong: It’s what I’m living for. It’s the reason I’m living right now. If it weren’t for Infinite I probably wouldn’t have ended up as a singer. I think that because Infinite exists I was able to come to be who I am now, so I’m really thankful.
Sunggyu: It was the ‘starting point’ of my music, and everything I have now. It’s something I’ll have to protect for the rest of my life, something that I can’t lose no matter what. We started this together, and the name Infinite refers to the seven of us together. That’s why, if even one of us is missing, we’re not really Infinite. We all need each other, and Infinite’s something that’s so important to all of us that the 7 of us being together is just like an undeniable fact. To the point that it feels like we can’t be apart no matter what.
Hoya: To me, it’s like a friend. These guys really are friends to me, anyway.
L: We’re a group that’s almost like a family. But in reality, we’ve been together more than even families are, so even if one person is missing it feels lonely, and when all of us are together I’m able to relax. That’s why I like how we live in a dorm. In the past there was a time when we got three days off in a row, and just not being able to see everyone over those three days made me want to see them again really badly. Thinking about what everyone might be doing at that time…
Woohyun: It’s my life. It gave me my dream now, in my 20s, which is the most important time of anyone’s life, and it’s the reason I’ve been able to sing. I truly think that it’s my life. I think that in the future, when I look back at my 20s, the fact that I was a part of Infinite will always be burned into my heart.
Dongwoo: It has a lot of meanings to me. It’s what gave birth to who I am now, and it’s a group that helped me find new sides of myself, and the group is who’s been my side all the time, through the good and the bad. And, more than anything else, Infinite is what has helped us seven meet and become so we’re almost siblings like we are now. Because Infinite was formed I’ve also been able to pay back my parents some for all the trouble they went through raising me. It’s also a group that I’ve been able to give good music to the fans through. I could go on about it forever, but it will end up really long so I’ll stop here (laughs).
—After hearing how all of you feel about Infinite and knowing how important it is to all of you, I think I understand how you were able to grow so much in such a short amount of time. What has changed the most between your debut and now? Or who do you think is the member who has grown and improved the most?
—After hearing how all of you feel about Infinite and knowing how important it is to all of you, I think I understand how you were able to grow so much in such a short amount of time. What has changed the most between your debut and now? Or who do you think is the member who has grown and improved the most?
Sungyeol: I think L has changed the most by far. In the beginning when I was added to the group while we were trainees, honestly, it was hard to know whether he was even there or not…
Everyone: (cracks up)
Sungyeol: Even though he’s really good looking he just didn’t have any presence at all and he didn’t stand out whatsoever. By the way, after debuting he completely bloomed and is perfectly filling his role as the visual in the center of the group, of all things. He’s really cool!
Sungjong: I think it’s Sunggyu hyung. Since he’s the oldest I think there have been lots of things that have been hard on him since we debuted, but he takes great care of us and he understands each of us really well. I also think he’s grown the most when it comes to singing and dancing skills.
Sunggyu: Thank you (laughs). I think Dongwoo has grown a lot. Before he seemed, even to me as the leader, like an uncontrollable kid (laughs). No matter what we would do he’d be a bit behind the rest of the members… But recently he’s been taking the initiative and been showing some leadership.
Woohyun: I think it might be Sungyeol. Before he was really childish, but recently it seems like he’s become more of an adult.
—What about you, Dongwoo?
—What about you, Dongwoo?
Dongwoo: I think that L and Sunggyu hyung have both grown a lot. Recently those two have really been standing out. Of course, they do sing the beginning and most important parts of our songs, but even from a guy’s point of view Sunggyu hyung is sexy. Watching right from nearby I feel like it’s even more obvious.
—It’s been around one year and four months since your debut. In that time you’ve released 5 CDs in Korea and been active in the music world, doing various variety programs, Woohyun was on the music program “Immortal Song 2,” and both L and Sungyeol have been in dramas, so all of you have been busy with various types of activities. Tell us a memory of the most memorable happening that happened in your hectic schedules, whether it’s a happy, rough, or surprising memory.
—It’s been around one year and four months since your debut. In that time you’ve released 5 CDs in Korea and been active in the music world, doing various variety programs, Woohyun was on the music program “Immortal Song 2,” and both L and Sungyeol have been in dramas, so all of you have been busy with various types of activities. Tell us a memory of the most memorable happening that happened in your hectic schedules, whether it’s a happy, rough, or surprising memory.
Sungjong: This happened while we were promoting our song “BTD” from our mini album Evolution that was released in January of this year… In the dance there’s a move we do called the scorpion dance where we get up off the floor. We all lay on the ground like scorpions and all at once get up from that position, but there was one time where a firework was set to go off behind us… When it went off it came down and singed the hair on the back of my head. I remember crying a lot about it!
Dongwoo: Ah, talking about crying… There was one time when Sungjong’s classes at school ran late and he was late to practice. The rest of us all played a prank on him, and I remember how Sungjong completely bawled afterwards (laughs).
Sunggyu: The first time we got first on a music show after our debut is what I remember the best. It was with our song “Be Mine” during September. I was so excited, and I could hardly believe it was happening. All of the members were so touched and cried a lot. By the way, last week we were able to get first place with our song “Paradise” as well!
L: In our fanmeeting celebrating our 100th day since debuting the fans sang a song for us that goes “you were born to be loved~♪”. I was really touched by that, and when it came to be time for me to talk I started crying (laughs).
—Before you guys debuted you made quite the topic with your show “Infinite, You Are My Oppa.” You guys working hard to look after Jiae who suddenly appeared before you as your ‘younger sister’ despite also having to work hard and practice is really memorable. I think it’s a very good program to see Infinite’s personalities and charms, but do you have any specific memories of that time?
—Before you guys debuted you made quite the topic with your show “Infinite, You Are My Oppa.” You guys working hard to look after Jiae who suddenly appeared before you as your ‘younger sister’ despite also having to work hard and practice is really memorable. I think it’s a very good program to see Infinite’s personalities and charms, but do you have any specific memories of that time?
Sungyeol: In the fourth episode we went to Muido with Jiae, and there are scenes when we’re playing together. I wanted to run along the beach while carrying Jiae on my back and show off my strength. But my foot got stuck in mud and I ended up dropping her (bitter laugh). Jiae started crying a ton, and I remember just running off to get away from the situation…
Dongwoo: In the very beginning when Jiae came to our dorm I didn’t know anything and was so defenseless. Because of that I couldn’t interact with her well and I’m pretty sure there were scenes where it basically took away from my manliness. When I look back and think of how inexperienced I was I get embarrassed.
—Do you guys still keep in contact with Jiae?
—Do you guys still keep in contact with Jiae?
Sungjong: It’s only sometimes, but we keep in contact through texting.
Sungyeol: She contacts us when something happens, like when we got first place. It seems like she enjoys our activities. She worries about us to, and sometimes she’ll send us what she thinks about how we did on music programs.
—Your abilities are all recognized by both older and newer idol groups. I’ve heard that some have even offered to write songs for you or to do collaborations.
—Your abilities are all recognized by both older and newer idol groups. I’ve heard that some have even offered to write songs for you or to do collaborations.
All: Thank you…
—Of course you’re all good at singing, but your dance performances claimed to have 99.9% synchronization definitely set you apart. Your sharp “knife dance” and of course your “scorpion dance” that draws everyone in are really amazing, but how do you guys feel about it? Also, how much practice or dance lessons do you have each day?
—Of course you’re all good at singing, but your dance performances claimed to have 99.9% synchronization definitely set you apart. Your sharp “knife dance” and of course your “scorpion dance” that draws everyone in are really amazing, but how do you guys feel about it? Also, how much practice or dance lessons do you have each day?
Hoya: If we have any free time we practice. While we were in training we would practice for around 14 to 15 hours a day.
Sunggyu: I’m extremely happy that people are willing to call it 99.9% synchronized. I think it’s the result of our effort and all of us working our hardest. That’s why when someone will truly say that it makes me feel really proud and I feel like we need to work even harder to make sure we don’t let everybody down.
—Are there any secrets to your practices that you think have let Infinite get to where you are now?
—Are there any secrets to your practices that you think have let Infinite get to where you are now?
Woohyun: I think it would have to be our teamwork. Also I think that our secret is that in one run through we sweat about ten times as much as anyone else, so if we go through something 10 times that’s 100 times the amount of sweat. ((T/N: How much someone sweats is used to show how much effort they put into their work, so he’s saying they work 10x as hard as anyone else.)) I wonder what else there would be…? Please tell us, Hoya!
Hoya: The secrets behind it? Um~, I think the secret behind our dance abilities would be that we don’t dance just in our practice room, but 24 hours a day while we’re walking along or while we’re in the car.
—I’m interested in the background of what sort of music you all grew up listening to. Tell me about artists you’ve been influenced by or the reason you decided you wanted to become a singer.
—I’m interested in the background of what sort of music you all grew up listening to. Tell me about artists you’ve been influenced by or the reason you decided you wanted to become a singer.
Hoya: I decided when I was in my second year of elementary school. I saw various singers performing on TV and thought that I wanted to be like them. Somebody who really influenced me is Yoo Seungjun.
—Is there an artist that you want to be like now?
—Is there an artist that you want to be like now?
Hoya: Although there’s not anyone specific, I look up to Usher!
Dongwoo: While I was still a student I had fun dancing and liked it, but when I was in my second year of high school I was really touched watching someone singing… I started dreaming of being a singer from that point on. An artist I like is Omarion. Omarion~! Yay~!
Sungjong: I’ve wanted to be an entertainer since I was in elementary school. When I was in junior high I would do imitations or dances of famous idols at school festivals or events, and I always chased after the dream of becoming a singer. My favorite artist is Michael Jackson.
L: I’ve liked DBSK since I was little. I would always listen to their songs, and even when they headed over to Japan I would listen to their Japanese versions of songs too. They’re like role models to me now, so the artists that I look up to most are DBSK.
Sunggyu: I was in a rock band with my friends in high school, and at that time I really liked our sunbaes Nell, a modern rock band. Now I’m able to work under the same company as the group I’ve looked up to for such a long time. I came to Seoul after watching them for a while thinking that I want to make the same sort of music as them, so I auditioned… and I was chosen! So my role models are of course Nell, and then out of foreign artists I would have to pick Justin Timberlake.
Woohyun: I won a singing competition when I was in preschool, and from that time on I just couldn’t forget how happy that had made me and I’ve always had an interest in music. Because of that I was always listening to music, and deciding that I wanted to be a singer no matter what I pushed towards my dream. I’ve always thought that dreams are always something that can come true. I was influenced by Stevie Wonder a lot when I was in my first year of high school.
Sungyeol: I was originally aiming to be an actor and was preparing to do that, but I also was drawn into singing a bit and started thinking that I wanted to be a singer. I chased after my dream with all of my heart and that’s how I got to where I am today. The artists I’ve had the most influence from are actually two people sitting here with me, Infinite’s Sunggyu and Woohyun.
—Next I would like to get to know all of your characters or personalities, so please give a simple introduction of the member sitting next to you.
—Next I would like to get to know all of your characters or personalities, so please give a simple introduction of the member sitting next to you.
Sungyeol: Hoya is, in a way, a greedy guy (laughs). Whether it’s a dance or a song, he takes whatever role he’s told to do and prepares with almost an excessive want and passion. His personality is really manly, and he properly works through everything he’s supposed to do like a sharp knife cutting through things. There’s no doubt that calling him outstanding wouldn’t be wrong.
Hoya: Dongwoo hyung has a crazy personality, but because of his personality being like that it’s hard not to smile when you’re around him. He’s a really interesting friend.
Dongwoo: Did you just call me a friend? It’s hyung, hyung! ((T/N: Korean word for friend (chingu) can refer to someone born the same year as you/on the same level. ))
Hoya: Ah, hyung. (bitter laugh)
Dongwoo: Sungjong is always energetic and his personality is very bright, and he takes care of his hyungs very well. He does things like if any of us forget something he’ll notice and bring it along. He’s a good magnae who is great at cheering up everyone’s moods and the whole atmosphere. He’s the best! Arigatou!
Sungjong: L, like you can see, is the visual of our group that’s almost like a statue. He has almost excessive good looks and many talents like playing the guitar, singing and acting. But in the end his face is definitely the coolest part of him (laughs). He’s my visual hyung.
L: The way I see it, Sunggyu hyung has it the hardest of all of us. For things like our promotions we have our own goals and ideals, and then there’s what everyone else wants us to do, and as the leader he has to work between those two things and keep the balance for us, and he does that really well. If we didn’t have a leader like him, I don’t think Infinite would have gotten to where we are today.
Sunggyu: Yes, this is Sunggyu who was just introduced as being a leader that keeps the balance well (laughs). Woohyun may act strong on the outside, but really… (the other members start laughing) He’s the most sensitive, fragile and in a way, the most immature of all of us. Even more than our magnae Sungjong… Also, because he has such a wide range of emotions his ability of expressing himself is extremely good. Even being a vocal like he is, he has such good expressiveness that I would like to learn from him. He also is very prideful, so he takes whatever he’s given and works his hardest and puts all of his effort into it to get it done so he doesn’t have to bother other people with it. He’s a very cool sort of younger brother.
Woohyun: This is the cool younger brother, Woohyun (laughs). Sungyeol is a very smart guy. He gives his all for everything, and he always uses aegyo on the rest of us, so of course we all love him. I think even for the hyungs he’s the sort of person you’d want to spoil and take care of. Lovely Sungyeol! Though that’s not how he used to be… (laughs)
—Going on now, tell us what you think about the member next to you is cute, manly, or cool.
—Going on now, tell us what you think about the member next to you is cute, manly, or cool.
Sungyeol: The thing that’s cool about Hoya is that he doesn’t say anything and just sits there. But even if he seems really calm like this now, if he even gets caught up on anything just once he doesn’t know what to do and becomes a real kid again (laughs). I think that he has such a gap like that is really cute.
Hoya: Dongwoo hyung is cool because when he gets on stage he’s a completely different person. On stage he’s Infinite’s Jang Dongwoo, and once he gets off stage he’s the country boy Jang Dongwoo (laughs). What we always see is his very friendly, cute side.
Dongwoo: Sungjong himself is just really cute. Everyone already knows this, but even the way he talks normally is full of aegyo. Apparently he’s been like this even since before he joined the company. But on stage when it’s time for his part his gaze changes and he looks more like an adult. Then once he gets of stage he acts all young again… He’s a really interesting kid.
Sungjong: The thing that makes L hyung cool is that sometimes when he’s making a decision or doing some other things he’ll be even more adult-like than our leader. At times like that he all of a sudden is a really cool hyung. When he takes photos they’re like cool pictures that would be in a photo collection. Ah, also there are some times when he’ll use aegyo with us, and when he does he’s really cute!
L: Sunggyu hyung is cute when he’s being a bit careless. When he can’t do something well or he can’t figure something out he’ll scream out things like “What the hell~! Why~!” and when I saw him doing that I thought it was really cute (laughs). He has strange charm that sort of attracts people to him. I want to follow his example.
Sunggyu: Woohyun sometimes, and only sometimes, will use aegyo on me and when he does I think he’s really cute. When he does things like that I just sort of want to bite him (laughs)!
Woohyun: I am Woohyun, who wants to be bitten (laughs). When Sungyeol shows his true self on TV (in his drama) it’s cute, because he really seems like a younger brother who knows nothing of the world and doesn’t bother acting cool. I don’t think I could find a cool side of him even if I washed my eyes and tried searching (laughs). All he has is a cute side! ((T/N: The Korean saying to ‘wash your eyes’ means to clear any prior ideas/things you know and then be able to look around with no things to base judgements off of. So Woohyun is saying, even if he could erase everything he knew about Sungyeol from his mind and was meeting him for the first time, he wouldn’t be able to find anything cool about him. ))
—It’s almost time for your Japanese debut (November 19th)! I think there are plenty of Japanese fans waiting for you. How do you feel right now?
—It’s almost time for your Japanese debut (November 19th)! I think there are plenty of Japanese fans waiting for you. How do you feel right now?
Sunggyu: We’re finally getting to make an official Japanese debut in November. We’ve been looking forward to this for a long time and have prepared for it, so I’m confident we’ll do well. I’m really happy that we’re going to be able to show our Japanese fans ourselves and our music on stage. Please look forward to it!
—Your Japanese debut song is going to be “BTD (Before The Dawn)“‘s Japanese version. I’ve heard it’s a song that was produced by the same people as produced KARA’s “Mister”, Sweetune. Please introduce things to listen for in the song or points in your dance performance.
—Your Japanese debut song is going to be “BTD (Before The Dawn)“‘s Japanese version. I’ve heard it’s a song that was produced by the same people as produced KARA’s “Mister”, Sweetune. Please introduce things to listen for in the song or points in your dance performance.
Sunggyu: BTD is a strong song that lets the listeners feel the tenacity and dark side of a fierce, courageous guy. Our performances on stage also have a bit of a strong and aggressive image. I think it’s a song where everyone should focus on our dancing as a group that we’ve worked hard on specifically for this song.
—How did you feel when you heard you guys would be debuting in Japan with this song?
—How did you feel when you heard you guys would be debuting in Japan with this song?
Sunggyu: I thought it was a good idea, because with this song we’re really able to show our abilities. That runs true for not only our dance performance, but for being able to show our singing abilities as well, so I was happy.
Sungjong: My part is all in English, so I didn’t really have any problems (laughs).
—To wrap this up, please share your aspirations for your Japanese debut and give a message to your Japanese fans!
—To wrap this up, please share your aspirations for your Japanese debut and give a message to your Japanese fans!
Dongwoo: We’re finally going to start having activities in Japan. I’m really happy that we’re able to start our international activities in Japan. Although we’ve been able to meet through magazines or interviews up until now, we’re finally going to be able to meet in person so I would like to be able to show you all manly live performances! Fighting!
Woohyun: We’ve met in showcases and concerts up until now, but we’re finally going to make our official debut. We’re looking forward to it a lot, but I’m sure all of our Japanese fans are looking forward to us coming just as much. In order to exceed everyone’s expectations we’ll work even harder and show everyone even cooler sides of ourselves for an amazing Japanese debut. We’ll show you not 99.9%, but 100% of our efforts! To all of our Japanese fans, aishiteru! (I love you!) I’ll love you forever! Be mine! I won’t forgive you if you look at anyone else! (laughs).
Everyone: Thank you for reading!
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