Alhamdulillah, today Imma fine :3
ummm~ =___+" as days passes by, I getting understand and started the comparison of today with the older days that I've through~ There's definitely a big difference, whether it's have something to do with my feelings or the way I think.
My past days were packed with love feeling towards my crush. =__=" It's complicated to describe.Those days also leave me overwhelmed with my own emotions but the emptiness would eat me up alive at the same time. I've learnt not to trust people easily.
I know how it's feel when you're trying to avoid people, just because you scared you would trust that person too much and finally he or she leave you with a deep hurt inside.
Now it's hard for me to fall for someone~ I just don't know why..== maybe because of what happened before makes me flinch of this feeling~
I always want to have an enigmatic and nonchalant side.. haha XD I know I don't suit me.. but I think it's cool! ^O^
But, if I really become like that, people will criticize me of being arrogant or unfriendly..
well................ . . . I adore a cold side like Myungsoo's but I prefer a Choding?haha
Choding like Sungyeollie!^^ He's cute! so adorable~~~~
The difference today and now is I'm getting .. didn't care about insignificant things around me. Maybe I did that before, but it different for these days~ =__="
I admit that I don't feel enthusiasm when at school~ and it sometime makes me feel empty, because I don't have anything to care except studies.
Friends? maybe I can't or I'm not in the list as a good friend. Yeah,maybe I don't care or don't mind much about them.. Maybe they find me as a lovable and cheerful person. But, like I said, it's hard for me to trust people. I don't think I have a true friend too~
But it's good enough to have some friends around me and I does appreciate their existence^^.
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